
Account Summary Data

Account Summary Data

New feature • Released • Email design • Reporting


About Hellohire

Hellohire is a virtual interview platform that helps recruiters and employers conduct initial interviews with job applicants.


Hellohire's CEO/Founder identified that many of the stakeholders involved in purchasing and renewal are not regular in-app users and so do not have visibility on the the impact Hellohire is having on their team.

Goal 1 – Help sales by making ROI clear for prospective buyers
The CEO/Founder was managing Hellohire's sales. He wanted accounts that were trialing Hellohire to be presented with their usage data proactively with the goal of converting them to paid customers.

Goal 2 – Provide existing accounts with ROI data to support continued use
The secondary goal was to satisfy existing customers' requests to report on usage for their accounts.

For example, the HR leader of a large restaurant franchise group had been asking for the ability to easily report on account data so they could regularly present the value of using the platform to the rest of their leadership team. The data they requested was taken into consideration when building the account summary.

Research & Requirements

Internal Research

Working with the CEO, I reviewed the presentation deck the sales team used in their end of trial meeting. I extracted the numerical data the team presented and reviewed the list with engineering to determine what could be calculated directly from the platform.

Using platform data we were able automatically calculate most of the data. The exceptions were a couple of time savings measurements that were dependent on comparing Hellohire to a customer's previous process.


Working with the CEO, I reviewed the meeting template the sales team used when meeting with an account decision maker at the end of a trial to list out the data they use to present ROI. I reviewed the list with engineering to determine what data we could use from the platform that would match the sales presentation.

Using platform data we were able automatically calculate most of the data the sales time summarized and relayed back to prospective customers in the end of trial meeting. The exceptions were a couple of time savings measurements that were dependent on inputs provided by users to compare Hellohire to their previous process.


The initial version included data for two ways customers were using Hellohire: candidate recruitment, and candidate screening.

Hellohire was already starting to re-focus on the candidate screening use case, called "Speed Interviews" in the platform.

We simplified to a include data from both types of usage, but present it in the context of the candidate screening use case.

I also accounted for accounts without usage with a version of the email calling on them to schedule a call with their account manager.

Let's see if they miss it if we take it away?
(accidental validation!)

After just two weeks of emails, there was an issue with our email system and the emails failed to send on the 3rd week. Our support team received emails from several accounts asking about the email and how to access the data.

In-app version

In the support emails, users asked for the ability to generate the account report on demand, and select the date range for the data, rather than statically reporting on the last 7-days. We launched in in-platform version soon after with a date range picker.

App version Hellohire account data report, showing a table with a summary number for the following: Interviews scheduled, Candidates attended, Candidates interviewed, Outcomes with yes, maybe and no options, No shows, Missed candidates, Total time interviewing, Average time per interview, Number of interviewers.